Generic garden-variety lesson programs, books, videos, etc, that try to teach employees how to work with disabled customers and clients all have the same problem: they are too generic to be helpful.
GENERIC EMPLOYEE TEACHING VIDEO: "It's important to treat all customers like you would want to be treated: with respect and dignity. Maintain a positive attitude at all times.This is key to ensuring that all customers at your place of business feel respected and appreciated."
Restaurant Dinner Manager: Hey Jeff, thanks for taking my call on short notice -- I’ve got you on speakerphone with two of my people who are nervous because a friend of the owner called ahead to say their disabled niece is coming in tonight and to put a spoon at her place setting because she has trouble with forks. Now my guys are worried that they will do something wrong and get fired. Can you rap with them a little bit to put their minds at ease?
Jeff: Sounds good. Hey you guys, my name is Jeff, y'all are worried about tonight, huh?
Employee (Waiter): Hey Jeff…yeah. This might be a dumb question, but do I put the spoon on the table ahead of time? Or do I bring it out with her dish? Do I need to put a spoon at the place settings of the whole table, so that she doesn't feel different? I just have like no idea. 'Cause I don't even know where she will be sitting ahead of time.
Jeff: Great questions. First, she is the only one who needs a spoon, so you only need to put one at her place setting. She knows that she has different needs, and her family does too. You don't have to pretend that she doesn't.
Employee (Waiter): What about the size of the spoon, or what place setting to put it at? Or when to bring it out? The receptionist who talked to them on the phone didn't ask any of those questions? Do I call the owner's friend back or would that be rude?
Jeff: You can call them if you want -- trying your hardest to help your disabled customers won't offend anyone. If that does offend them, then that's not your fault -- as long as you maintain a positive, encouraging helpful attitude, then you'll be okay. That's seriously the single most important part.
Employee (Waiter): Okay but should I remove a chair for her wheelchair ahead of time? I don't want to just assume where she will sit….
Jeff: Chances are that they will move a chair for her, but tell the hostess to be ready to take a chair and move it to another table. Again, as long as you maintain a helpful, encouraging attitude, then no one should get mad if you make a tiny mistake. You're not perfect , I'm not perfect. They're not perfect. No one expects you to be perfect. The most important thing is that you show a genuinely encouraging and helpful attitude.
Employee (Waiter): Okay thanks so much and if I have another question tonight can I call you?
Jeff: Yeah buddy, what time is the reservation?
Employee (Waiter): 7:30 tonight.
Jeff: Sounds good, I'll be available and if you have a quick question you can always text me, your boss has my cell number.
Employee (Waiter): Awesome thanks.
Do you think this employee was grateful to his SHIFT MANAGER for LETTING him ask these questions WITH JEFF?
Do you think this waiter was confident AND HELPFUL when serving thE TABLE THAT NIGHT?
Do you think the long-time customer called his friend, the owner of the restaurant, the very next day, singing the praises of the young waiter, (wHICH THEREBY MADE THE Night MANAGER SEEM INVALUABLE in the eyes of the owner)?
This is how top businesses stand out from their competitors and get mentioned, and praised IN MASSIVE ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUMS AND BLOGS.
Society has become hyper-sensitive to issues relating to disabilities.
This hypersensitivity causes fear and paralysis in even your best employees. It makes them scared to ask you questions, and scared in dealing with disabled customers, even though they may have the best intentions.
This is where Jeff can serve you and your business. He has heard every single question from an employee or business owner and he isn't hurt or offended by anything you might ask.
Through his experience, Jeff is already intimately aware of your and your employees’ thoughts, fears, and worries.